The Virus Is Not Afraid of Mouth Caps
Italian corpses tell the truth!
RIVM, WHO, OMT, Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge are liars
who sell lie mantras to the people ice cold and also fine you
for not doing their stupid things.
Even More Liars/ Charlatans..
In 2020 society will consist only of plays by sexually frustrated women who play for an aggressive doctor and virologist..
and men who never have sex also play for an aggressive doctor
and virologist.
When I ask these aggressive women and men:
"How big is this virus or how small is this virus?"
Then they keep silent and they don't know how to answer.
Authenticity/ pure nature..
Stupid people become infected and die.
Only the smart people never get the virus.
The virus works in a smart fast way.
The virus is not actually a virus but a bacterium.
This bacteria is 3000th of a millimeter.. 3 microns small.
You cannot see the bacteria with your naked eye.
The Corona bacteria tries to get into your lungs so that it can
thicken your alveoli.. so that you get the most extreme form
of this Corona flu.. and the associated extreme symptoms
like extreme sore throat, difficulty breathing (you have to lie
on your stomach and breathe using respiratory equipment),
high body temperature, odorlessness, tastelessness, diarrhea,
body aches/ muscle pain, (blood) coughing, sneezing, wet nose,
How do you get infected?
You need a virus carrier that has extreme complaints
(not a mild form with minor complaints but really well infected).
As a healthy person, you must be around this infected person for
5 minutes. The bacteria multiply in the infected person's nose.
When he/she sneezes or coughs, you get a radius of 60 cm to
90 cm from small droplets, medium droplets and large droplets containing the bacteria.
The danger is in 2 things.. the closed space where it floats/
circulates and the right cool temperature (6 - 10 degrees Celsius)
which makes the tiny droplets float in the cold air longer.
Coughing and sneezing occur in a closed room with air
conditioning on and you have a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees..
then you get aerosol (small drops with bacteria that float 5 meters
in the closed space until they get into your mucous membranes or airways..
This Corona bacteria gets into your lungs through your mouth,
nose or eyes where it grabs your lungs and matures very quickly.
In the most extreme form of this flu, this Corona bacteria causes
your blood to clot in your veins.. then your heart can no longer
pump blood.. then you die very quickly.
The Italians opened the bodies and discovered this.
An aerosol is a colloidal mixture of dust particles or
liquid droplets in the air.
Their size is on the order of 0.2 to 200 microns.
Clouds and mist are examples of an aerosol;
They both consist of very small drops of water in the air.
An example of an aerosol consisting of solid particles is smoke.
An aerosol with solid particles can arise from natural sources,
such as sand or sea salt, or from human activities, for example, coughing and sneezing.
The term aerosol is also often used for the content
of an paint spray aerosol.
When a carrier sneezes or coughs in the open air, the droplets
blow away and large drops fall after 60 cm on the ground
because they cannot float so they are too heavy.
The medium droplets come in contact with other medium and
large droplets.. become too big and heavy.. and also fall
to the ground after 60 cm.
Only the smallest droplets float through the cold air.
And these droplets pass through a closed space with
air conditioning float and circulate up to 5 meters until
they get into your mucous membranes or airways.
What do you need to solve this problem?
Good ventilation so open the window, an air purifier and/
or dehumidifier with UV and a HEPA filter and UV bulb lighting
to demolish the DNA of the viruses, bacteria, parasites and mites..
in 20 seconds.
But you also have a mild form of minor complaints..
of this Corona.
These are people who are only slightly infected and have
minor complaints.
Getting a little bit of this inside won't hurt.
In fact, it ensures that you get minor complaints, but especially antibodies to get resistance against this nasty bacteria.
A good immune system ensures that you do not suffer from
a bacterium or virus, but can easily withstand antibodies
to grow.
Getting a little from a slightly or newly infected person
does not hurt.
The slight complaints you get.. will soon disappear.
Make sure you use anti-inflammatory drugs.. every 4 hours..
and once a day blood thinner.. so that your blood does not
clot and that you fight the flu and easily overcome.
Use a tablespoon of whiskey (40% alcohol) 4 to 5 times
a day.. to kill bacteria in your throat.
I learned this effective information from research results from doctors and hospitals.
And from doctors and nurses who worked in the Corona intensive care unit.
I only take facts from experts who have worked and researched
close to the Corona patients.
I do not take anything from third parties, media and ministers.
They are ignorant. Just like the quarrel-seeking aggressive sexually frustrated women and men in our society.
These work, among others, at taxi companies and patient transport. Then I am really talking about mentally ill twisted psychopaths
who don't have sex!
Their behavior is unpleasant.
While they have no knowledge of this bacterium.
Then they come with their dirty mask.
A mouth mask that is a greenhouse of millions of bacteria and viruses. That is why 600,000 tested people have already been
found dead with a mask on.. and 600,000 untested people
have been found dead at home with a mask on!
Do you really think that bacteria is afraid of someone with a mouth mask on.. and says: "Oh, I'm afraid of you, I'll go to the next one..?"
Do you really think the bacteria think I can't reach a meter
and a half or bump into a plexiglass and drop dead..?
When the carrier coughs or sneezing, this bacteria can
in an aerosol reach 5 meters by floating.
When the wearer sings or cheers, the bacteria can reach
9 to 10 meters!
That one and a half meters is not scientifically substantiated.
That plexiglass is also false security.
In the small patient transport car, the entire bottom is open 60 cm. And it is precisely this piece of plexiglass that is never cleaned with alcohol or disinfected with UV light after transporting sick people.
This plexiglass is full of dried bacteria droplets!
They are dirty drivers who do not clean their own car and
never disinfect it.
The bacteria does not talk to rules or laws.
If the Corona bacteria is really present, it will multiply and
swarm throughout the car.
Plexiglas, mouth mask or one and a half meters is the biggest lie
and puppet show of the RIVM/ Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge
with their shiny shoes.
In fact, the bacteria stay on for 78 hours (3 days and 6 hours)
on hard material such as plexiglass present, lively!
Do you know how many bacteria can fit in a thumb or finger?
Then you can get one to two fingers in along the cheeks
towards the mouth cap/ the mouth.
If you want to infect yourself quickly.. put on the wet mask
that is not sterile.
Then the eyes are open and exposed to the droplets.
Then your face and hair like mucous membranes are completely vulnerable to the small droplets.
Try to go into a room with a mouth cap with a real virus carrier..
then you are the dick in 5 minutes!
How about the holes in the mask to breathe..
do you think the bacteria say: “Oh wait, we are not going
to crawl through those dirty damp holes today!
Use your mind and think clearly and check whether bacteria
in the lab how they move, multiply and swarm.
A mouth mask is not made to stop viruses, bacteria, parasites and mites of 3 microns, but is made for large dust particles that do not
get into your mouth/ nose from the wall.. so made for wallpapering and handymen.
Example of stupid behavior..
President Mark Rutte touches all kinds of buttons and handles
in public spaces, shakes everyone's hand.. then he takes his mouth mask out of his pocket (a bag in which everything moves), then
he puts this dirty mouth mask that is no longer sterile on his mouth and nose.. nice and fresh!
A mouth mask is sold per 100 pieces because it is thrown away
after 1 operation or made sterile 1 time for 1 more reuse.
You use the mask so for 5 minutes after that you make it sterile again.
Then you take a new one to work for another 5 minutes, after
which it is no longer sterile.
If you wear disposable gloves, you wear the mouth mask when
doing odd jobs, then you should not touch the mask anymore because you touch everything with your hand/ fingers/ nails..
then your mask is no longer sterile.
As soon as your mouth mask is touched, you get an imprint of viruses and bacteria, after which they multiply and swarm in
the mouth mask.
A mouth mask on ensures that you give the viruses and bacteria a hand towards your mouth/ mucous membranes.