Big Blunders with Disposable Gloves

Every time I refer to the tests of the American doctors..
The tests prove that the Corona virus lives up to 3 hours in the air.. 
and 3 days and 6 hours (78 hours) on hard paper, plastic and steel.

Before the Corona virus outbreak occurred..
I washed my nails and hands with antibacterial soap every time.
I have been using the oxygen generator since 2010.
I use the ionizer to produce alkaline water.
I use the dehumidifier and the air purifier for cleaner air.
The cleaning lady helps me every week to keep my house clean.

Now the disposable glove blunders..

The old man as a taxi driver..

Now we are in April 2020 and yes ..

an old Dutch man who never went to wash his nails and hands 
..all his life.. is now going to set up a play for me that he is 
very clean and very smart..
(I can't hold back my smile..)

From now on read the stupidities of the people in our society.. concerns disposable gloves..

so the taxi, an old man comes to pick me up at the supermarket..
He says, "Wait, don't get in yet"
..He is looking now in his dashboard in the taxi bus for his gloves.. he has found the white disposable gloves..

..It takes a long time before he wears these disposable plastic gloves..

After 2 minutes he says: “Get in now”

He grabs the doorknob and closes the right door and also 
closes the passenger sliding door in the middle of the bus.
He then walks around the taxi bus.. grabs the left front door knob 
of the left door, opens the door.. and grabs his steering wheel, 
shift lever, dashboard and right interior seat to rest on it. 
While resting his right hand with glove on the right seat, 
car interior.. 
This old man has smeared the bacteria and viruses imprint 
from the right door to all parts of the taxi bus and is still 
wearing his disposable plastic gloves.

Then he lets me sit 60 cm behind his neck.. to breathe.. so..

If I were a virus carrier.. he'd be screwed!

What this old man did not understand while playing his act..
-That he's not so smart..
-He does not know that disposable gloves are disposable.
-He does not know that you should throw away the disposable gloves after 1 operation.
-He doesn't know he's spreading the bacteria and viruses on 
all parts of the taxi bus.
-He doesn't know how the Corona virus works.
-He doesn't know how contamination takes place.

I have not yet encountered 1 taxi driver who was an expert 
in the Corona virus.
I had to tell them all how the infection happened, tell them 
about the symptoms and discuss with them the proper 
prevention measures.

They were all programmed with the 1,5 meter distance from President Mark Rutte, but I said President Mark Rutte is not a graduate doctor.

The real distance is 6 meters.. which the American doctors determined after seeing the virus from the tests can reach up 
to 5 meters when sneezing and or coughing.

Food stands and shopkeepers
Food vendors use disposable gloves to accept banknotes with millions of bacteria, then spread the bread with butter and 
bacteria using the same disposable gloves.
To make it even crazier.. 
The following customers are also helped with the same 
disposable gloves.

You should take these disposable gloves to the lab and then 
show the seller what's moving in the gloves.

What these sellers did not understand during playing their act..
-The seller does not know that disposable gloves are disposable.
-The seller does not know that you must throw away the disposable gloves after 1 operation.
-The seller does not know that he is spreading the bacteria and viruses on all food.
-The seller does not know how the Corona virus works.
-The seller does not know how contamination occurs.

Mother and daughter (citizens)..
I take as an example a mother and daughter because then 
you get the most shops that they visit and therefore 
they have the most chance on infection.

Mother and daughter have to go to a public toilet while shopping.. 
The toilets have just been cleaned..
This public toilet consists of hard material such as steel and 
plastic parts.

But then you do not know how many infected and / or sick 
people from which part of the world have been before you and 
just had to sneeze and cough.

The Corona virus lives on hard material for 78 hours.
While you as a healthy person come to get a free print..
as an example.. via the tap and / or doorknob.. and then
unconsciously scratching your face, nose, mouth or eyes..

Some examples..
How about your daughter wanting a plush bear so much..
and these plush bears have been touched and cuddled before 
and / or under-sneezed and coughed by sick and or infected 
people.. before your visit?

Or how about the test samples at the perfume and makeup shops?
All those women who have visited a public toilet while shopping and have not made their nails and hands sterile..

Or how about the public toys at Mc Donalds and IKEA?
Sick children and / or infected children sometimes required
had to play with the public toys before you came.. don't want 
to know how many bacteria and viruses left on the hard plastic 
that will live for 78 hours..

How about clothes and watches that are under-sneezed and coughed up by sick and or infected people before you came..?

How about the packs of chips that have just been touched, 
under-sneezed and coughed by sick and or infected people..?!

Correct use of the disposable gloves..

In the hospital
The nurse makes her hands and nails sterile with the alcohol gel, then wears the disposable plastic gloves to perform an operation 
on a patient. 
She is done with the operation. 
She immediately throws away the disposable gloves. 
In the trashcan.
She sterilizes her hands and nails with the alcohol gel. 
She puts on new disposable gloves to perform the following procedure on another patient. 
This is the correct way to work with disposable gloves.

Leather glove
Have you bought leather gloves?
After wearing the leather gloves.. put these gloves on 
the Shoe-Fresh device.. This device washes and cleans and 
dries your gloves or shoes dry and clean within 5 minutes. 
No more odors!


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