Some people hardly seem to notice it.
Others become seriously ill.
The time between infection and the disease can vary
from 2 to 4 days. You can die in 4 to 5 days.
This applies to the vulnerable group.
The vulnerable groups are..
Elderly people over 50, weak people without a good
immune system, sick people with a lung-, heart- and /
or other health complaint.
Every day you hear about the number of infections and deaths caused by the coronavirus, but about patients
who have recovered.. we hear nothing.
A database of people who have been recovered may
be needed for further research.
Stronger people with a good immune system can survive
this virus.
How do you ensure a good immune system..
Keep drinking well, keep eating healthy, take your vitamins, exercise, do sports and sleep well! Keep hydrating yourself! Avoid alcohol and drugs!
You desperately need your mental and physical health to survive this deadly virus.
Wash your hands and nails regularly.
Keep it sterile regularly.
Only touch your face if your hands and nails are sterile.
Be aware of how you treat yourself and others.
Be preventive, strong and smart.
This virus shows the true nature of people!
Note: Corona is dangerous, no matter how young and healthy you are.
The Corona virus starts with minor complaints..
A cold, sneezing, (rattle) cough, sore throat, feeling stuffy, sweating. Your energy level drops to zero.
You are no longer clear and sharp.
The Corona virus then follows with nasty complaints..
Difficulty breathing, extreme headache, eyes hurt, dizziness, fever, body aches, tastelessness, odorless..
The first few days you feel like you are dying..
By feeling and acting young, fit and healthy..
you can get a quick recovery.
Consequences after the recovery..
You can have lung and heart damage (damage to the airways). You get tired faster than usual.
Sometimes you will still feel stuffy.
What to do to avoid the Corona Virus..
-Keep away from people who show these symptoms.
-Or keep 6 meters away from these people with these symptoms.
-Stay at home as much as possible! Or stay at home for
2 months until this virus decreases as much as possible.
(this will be difficult because many people still secretly
party, walk hand in hand and infect other people).
-Only do your obligations when necessary.
Avoid public toilets (plastic and steel), the elevator, doorknobs, other knobs and handles.
Provide Dettol wipes to wipe them first, wipe at least 2 times.
What to do if you are infected or have any of the above symptoms..
Stay at home and avoid contact with other people as long as you have these symptoms.
You can go out again if you have no complaints in the last
24 hours.
Society is not ready for Corona patients:
"Once a corona patient, always a corona patient.
And they are scary"
People will look at you paranoid, ugly and sexless.
People will avoid you as much as possible.
Be strong, positive and protective of yourself.
Time will heal this world.