A "Prophet" Muhammad, The Cheese Holes of Old Believers!

According to Muslim pilgrims, Muhammad would be the "Perfect Man" for mankind.
The Muslim pilgrims have been so brainwashed since birth with the keywords.. 
perfect man, unicorn, flying to paradise, 72 virgins, etc.
Do you know the proverb "Love makes Blind"?

More than half of the Muslim community have no education, are very low educated
or illiterate. 90% of Muslim pilgrims have not even read the Quran or the Hadith.

The proof: There is nowhere written in the Quran or the Hadith that you have to cover yourself from head to toe that even your eyes are not visible, otherwise the Muslim pilgrims would never be completely covered!
They have been brainwashed by Muslim men (clones of Muhammad wannabees)!
The facts from the Quran and Hadith books and other documents from the Turkish library of the period that Muhammad lived.. you can read below.

Before Islam existed (around the year 600)..
Before Islam existed, Saudi Arabia was Hindu and a peaceful community.
The peace and friendship in which the indigenous people lived in harmony with each other.. is documented in many pieces.
Everywhere there were Hindu temples, churches and synagogues!
Especially the Hindu temples were rich in gold, wealth, religious texts, symbols, discoveries, inventions, etc.

Islam did not exist then. There was no prophet either. And also no Allah.
The word "Allah" did appear in the Sanskrit documents.
Hinduism exists more than 15,000 years and is the oldest religion on earth!
Hinduism was thus rich in wisdom and wealth.
Thus Mecca was the place of all wealth and religions.

Who was this perfect person or "prophet" really?
Muhammad was an orphan from the sexual encounter between a sex slave
and her master. The mother of Muhammad died immediately after birth.
While the father died a little earlier.

Muhammad was born as a kafir (infidel) and spent 75% of his life
as an unbeliever. Kafir or infidel is a non-Muslim!
Muhammad was raised by the mother of the sex slave.
Muhammad could not read or write.
He earned his living with gruesome robberies, genocides, slave trade and other criminal activities. He was a brutal desert thief and horrifying mass murderer!

He was very cruel, rough and barbaric.
A common feature throughout the Muslim community (anno 2018)!
Muhammad was very short, thick and white in skin color (a dwarf).
He wore women's clothing and clothes from the 9-year-old Aisha!

Muhammad drank camel and cows urine.
His followers copy him, but they do not know what their purpose is.

Muhammad was impressed by Hinduism
The desert thief came in one of the Hindu temples in Mecca and also wanted to possess all wealth and wisdom. One day Muhammad got an idea..
While Muhammad had all sorts of ailments and illnesses.. and also suffering from demons and nightmares.. he named himself on his 40th birthday as a prophet.
He collected the stolen booty from his raids and had the Sanskrit documents translated by someone.

Muhammad was impressed by the Shiva- and Ohm symbols, the Sanskrit
religious texts and the word "Allah".
His idea.. To set Islam as a new religion to gather all gold and wealth
especially for conquering land and propelling the prophet.
While Muhammad had a horrifying dislike of God.

The horrible murders of Muhammad..
He stepped down to a church and he beheaded 600 people who went to pray for God.
Just like the Muslims who did the same act in 2016, in France in the church.. the muslims cut the priest his throat.
Muhammad beheaded all of Mecca, then he took over the Hindu temple full of gold and religious texts and symbols.
Muhammad also beheaded an entire Jewish community because they were not Muslims.
For complete list of murders committed by Muhammad.. see Wikipedia.

Muhammad had sex with..

Muhammad married his first wife, a Jewish woman, in a Jewish wedding ceremony.. 
then he was married to the 6 year old Aisha.. and then had sex with Aisha on her 9th.
The Quran tells nothing about his first marriage and the Jewish wedding ceremony.
Muhammad also had sex with the corpse of his deceased aunt.
His followers copy this behavior!

He had sex with camels and goats and little boys.
His followers copy this behavior!

He abused countless numbers of women and his daughter-in-law Zainab, sexually!
His followers still copy his behavior in 2018 in all Muslim countries.

If Muhammad were a prophet appointed by "Allah"..
Why did he not reveal the "truth" about Islam?
when he was a child or when he was young..?!
Why did Muhammad live 75% of his life (40 years) as
an idolatrous servant (a non-Muslim)?

Nor had God ever chosen a mass murderer, a child rapist,
a barbaric desert thief or liar as his messenger.
Plus the fact that Muhammad had such an extreme hatred for God that he

beheaded 600 people in the church because they went to pray for God.

If God is the creator of the people, then it seems strange to me
God chooses a mass murderer to behead his creations.
Why would God then put more than 8.5 billion people on earth?
Nor has Allah ever been able to mean anything for Muhammad, either
when Muhammad had so many ills and illnesses, even when he was possessed
by a demon, even when he was poisoned by a Jewish woman!

Likewise, no Muslim pilgrim has ever seen "Allah."

Where are the rewards and punishments of "Allah" in those 1400+ years?
Has a Muslim pilgrim from those 1.6 billion Muslims ever experienced a reward or punishment from "Allah"?

It is the Muslim men who all carry out the sentence and play for Allah.
Allah never existed in those 1400+ years!

How can you burn your soul in hell if your soul is virtual, invisible and not tangible?!
Where do you have to light that soul with that lighter?

The truth is that the soul leave the body and move on to another body.
The soul come to a temporary vacation on this earth every time in a loan body because the soul is traveling through time. See the videos on YouTube about children
who tell about their previous life. Or adults who describe under hypnosis their previous life in details.
The journalists confirm the details of the children and adults who talk about their previous life.

The end of Muhammad..
Muhammad claimed that he was possessed by a demon.
Muhammad suffered from severe depression, suicidal thoughts and hallucinations.

Allah did not exist. Muhammad died at the age of 53 in the hands of Aisha. 
Muhammad was poisoned by a Jewish woman because Muhammad beheaded the Jewish wife's entire family, including the entire Jewish community in Mecca.The woman had an entire sheep smeared with poison and brought the sheep for Muhammad as a gift. 
Even then, Allah did not exist.

The followers of Muhammad..
The followers have read the hate message from Muhammad what the plan was.. 
namely, to exterminate all Jews, Christians and all other religions.. because Islam with the sword would make itself great as "religion".. While the women are used as incubator to increase the murder sect "Islam" by means of the birth figures.
That is why they completely cover the women as whores and then suppress, abuse and use them as incubators.The murder insect "Islam" is the only political power tool of the Muslim men to conquer countries and install Sharia in every country as a crown on their work.

Hence the extreme hatred of his followers who still execute the extreme racial hatred and Jew-hatred, also in 2018. This import hatred from the year 600.. the Muslims have taken the extreme hate to the West. So every follower of Muhammad plays for "Allah".

The Muslim pilgrims issue the verdict and carry out the murders for Muhammad.
The counter already stands at 850+ million murders and over 1400 years of genocides.

The Armenian genocide, the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians by Muslims, is still in progress fresh in everyone's memory, but it is ignored by every Muslim.

As if the murderous Muslim pilgrims (followers of Muhammad) have not been killed enough they are now slaughter the Kurds in 2018.

Almost all the rituals and rules of Islam mentioned in the Quran have been copied
from Sanskrit documents, Hinduism and Judaism, the two oldest religions !!

This shows how deeply Muhammad was inspired by Hinduism and Judaism !!
Copying from Hinduism and Judaism was the easiest way to start a religion.

Muhammad spread Islam through the tip of the sword, and not through
love and preaching. His strategy was to reign at any price!
Muhammad slaughtered poor, innocent and helpless people and committed genocides.
Instead of helping suffering people, Muhammad destroyed well-regulated
peaceful communities.
He also took over their land and made children and women into imprisoned slaves.

These crimes against humanity can not be justified as one act of a holy prophet!
How can you speak of a religion?
Even the worship of a dead pedophile, a dead mass murderer, has nothing
to do with a religion!

All this indicates that Muhammad was a powerful dictator, not a holy prophet.
He knew everywhere, at any time, to take advantage of everyone and to benefit
by his power.

Muhammad has never performed a miracle that is expected of a prophet.
Muhammad did immense damage to mankind, but that was not enough
for his Satanic spirit..

Before he died, he left messages for his followers to conquer the whole world through Jihad.
Followers of this mass murderer, who in 2018 still slaughter worldwide innocent people.. shows that Muhammad was not a holy prophet!

And that Islam is a war plan. The Allahu Akbar scream is there to let other Muslims know that the Jihad is busy.. and to incite other Muslims to more attacks! The scream also applies to great name recognition and to recruit new members for the murder sect "Islam".
The intention is to penetrate under taqiyya and under the guise of "religion", then
installing mosques and islam schools, then the goal is to install a caliphate and the sharia for world domination.

For the time being, the followers are fleeing the Muslim countries en masse and are living in The West. Many leave Islam. Many do not take Ramadan seriously.
Almost 100% is ashamed of their Muslim origin, their nationality and their Muslim name! Many followers become severely depressed, negative, complain on public forums that they no longer believe in Allah because they do not know if it exists and many commit suicide. 4000 suicides per year in Turkey, 2500 suicides per year in Morocco.

The Muslim women in Iran are also massively angry with government and Islam.

They are so very disappointed that they are burning the Qurans en masse.

In Morocco Muslim women are massively angry with Muslim men because of
group assaults / group rape.
In Morocco, Muslim women use an app to indicate which places in Morocco 

are women-friendly.


  Muslims believe in fiction created by the Abbasids 1. Mecca did not exist in the 7th century (at best a hamlet) A. No archaeological proof...